Lesson 4 (notating movement)

notating movement

Keyword: Documentary – using pictures with people involved in real events to provide a report on a particular subject (dance).

Dance notation is also a symbolic of presentation about human dance movement. There is a lot of methods to use to write down the “symbolic” (human dance movement) such as figures, path mapping, graphic and other. In dance, notation movement is use to record or document dance study. The famous system that most used to document dance study are Labanotation and Benesh movement notation.

Labanotation example
Example of Benesh Movement Notation

Used and important of notation movement

  • Help doctor to check patients movement, gait and posture
  • Help musical industry to record choreography for rehearsals and re-staging
  • Can help dance teacher teach in a succinct and analysis form
  • Help choreographers to protect their copyright of dance movement
  • Help dancers to learn their roles directly or through a notator
  • Help dance students to improve movement vocabulary and observation skills
  • used to document dance for study in dance

My opinion of notating movement

My understand of notation movement is about record movement down in different way. Example Labanotation and Benesh movement notation. I did the Labanotation in my dance class, and it is quite interesting although I am confused on the first time. However, after teacher explain and teaching now I can understand it. As I mention above, I said that there are different type of notation movement.  For a professional dancer, notation movement maybe is a very important part before preform, because they need to the plan clearly so when preforming or particle they will forget and be confused. However, for me, notation movement is just a way among all other way to record and remember the dance movement. I agree that notation movement is useful to help to remember and create a perfect dance, but I am more prefer in remember dance movement in my own way.

In this video the two people used their whole body to dance, hand, leg, arm, head, omin and other. Other than that, the people also move their body in high, low and medium to dance. Some time they do the same movement but different way, example there is one part show the boy spin and the girl also spin, but the girl spin  with stand (medium) and the boy spin with band leg (low). This video is a good video, the two people used many way to create the dance and present in a good and prefect way.

Lesson 3 (transition dance)

Transition dance

Transition definition is movement, change from one position, style, place, subject to another. In dance the definition of transition is quite same, transition occur when a dancer hold or stop for a moment, before the dancer get to the next movement. Transition can help the dancer demonstrate flexibility to viewer by show their beauty of movement, leg, back, arm and other

To show understanding for the topic, we are going to create choreography with choose the movement below :


  • Balancing
  • Dragging
  • Lifting
  • Pulling
  • Sliding
  • Swinging
  • Turning
  • Carrying
  • Holding
  • Lowering
  • Pushing
  • Supporting
  • Twisting

Key word

  • Artistic intention – artistic reason on decided something
  • View Point – a point or place that afford view to people
  • Narrative – telling story
  • Subject – topic or main point for some thing
  • Transition – change from one thing to another
  • Documentary – to write down idea or something to show or remember
  • Body Maintenance – stop on a movement, or take care
  • Law of Inertia – a law that a thing stop or rest at a moment.

Lesson 2 (element of dance)

Element of dance 

  1. Body  
  • We can use different part of body to dance, (head, leg, hand, arm, feet, kneel and other) and it will give people different effect.

2) Action 

  • Action is like dance movement or step, carries, walking, jump spin all that is action.
  • There is few way to describe dance action, bend, twist, turn, rise, fall, shake, slide, walk, hop, run, skip, jump, roll
  • Dance action not only just made up of streams of movement, stillness or pauses can also be an action.

3)  Space 

  • space in dance can be scribe as size, level, Direction, orientation
  • size:large, small, narrow, wide
  • Level : low, high, middle
  • Direction: front, back, left, right
  • orientation: facing

4) time 

  • speed
  • duration (hours, second, minutes)
  • timing (before, after, unison, sooner than, faster than)
  • tempo

5) Energy

  • sharp / smooth
  • sudden / sustained
  • natural
  • balance
  • free

Reflection on week 2

Ms. Megan gave us one paper sheet and one booklet. Teacher want us take at look at the booklet  and figure out the movement on the second sheet of paper which seem like a graph filled with some normal shape. Teacher told us that the shape were the movement of the dance and I felt strange on the shape, the thing I knew just the name of the shape, I didn’t heard about shape can also be a dance movement. So that, my friend and I went to find teacher for help, after teacher explain and show us example we could figure the dance movement out already. And we knew that in the worksheet the graph were separate into 2 side (left and right) so if the shape was at left side, that we need to move to left.

L = left side

C = central

R = right

 The shape on the work sheet

present the movement of going to left or right, (depend on the triangle put at which side of graph)

present stand at the place


                                                  present slip to the side 


                                                       present to step front or back

  Color of shape

There were three color for the shape, showdown which present low, a dot at middle which present middle and shape full with slash line present high.

A dot in middle shape

A dot at a middle was to let people do the movement with stand straight.

example: A dot in a triangle means that we need to walk to side by stand straight.

A shape in black (showdown)

means do the movement whit make body low

example: triangle in black is to let people go to side with bend leg to make body low

A shape with slash line

Shape with slash line present is to do the movement with jumping

example: triangle with slash line present jump to side.

Lifting my friend (What is important is learning the basic of the movements when lifting?)

When lifting people is important to know that the high or weight of a person is not a matter to lift. It can be easy to lift a people who high that you or heavy that you, only you use the correct technique.

the person who are going to lift other person need to bend one leg to let the other person be higher that himself.

believe on your partner, and be confident

be balance, only lift people when you are ready and balanced

Lesson 1 (basics of Labanatation)

Task focus : The Butterfly effect : part 1 responding

Key concept: Communication

Related context: Composition and play

Global Context : Fairness and Development

Statement of Inquiry: Different interpretations can be developed through play.

Reflection on lesson 1 

In first class, Ms. Megan teach us about Labanotation. Labanotation is a symbol written form a dance. And teacher also want us to create some symbolic.

Symbol of jump up

Symbol of stillness

Symbol of Twist


Symbol of balance

Symbol of Travel Forwards

Symbol of spin

Commenting on Isaac Newton’s Laws of Movement and Rudolf Laban’s Labanotation

Laws of inertia

A dancer jump and spin on the air, but at the end she still need to touch the flood to balance.

Laws of inertia is a law means a thing stay or rest at the motion. Example, you put a book on the table it will not move unless someone move it. Law of inertia can also know as horizontal motion, it is all about balance.

I think in dance it was hard to present the law, even a professional dancer will feel challenge on it. For example, a professional dancer can stand with one leg for a long time because the dancer has a very good balance, but if the dancer jump on the air and make a spin, the action can’t be stay at the air for long period unless there is some rope to help the dancer stay on the air. If not there is impossible to make the dancer stay on air.

Force = mass x acceleration

It is important to let the dancer know about the second law, so that their can spin prefect.

Acceleration can know as speed, and this law is about gravity and force. In most time, Force can only be applied for a limited time but it producing another thing call impulse, certain impulse can cause a certain change on a thing, speed up, slow down or change direction.

I think a dancer spin is also related to this law. People can’t confirm that when they spin they will stay at the same place no going to front, back or other direction. Therefore, for a dancer to make a perfect spin it is important to let them know this law, in order to help them make a nice spin by control their mass and acceleration.

Action and reaction

every action is equal to opposite reaction

“This law means that every action is equal to opposite reaction, so it say that whatever an object pushes another object it get pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. ”

I think for dancer to dance with this law will create something different, just like the dancer jump while dancing.