Quarter 4 Lesson 1

Quarter 4 -Unit 4

Task focus – The Butterfly Effect ( part 2, making)

Key Concept Change

Related Concept(s) – Visual Culture and Relationship

Global Context – Orientation in Space and Time

Statement of Inquiry – Changing the boundaries of expected relationship can inspire unexpected compositions.

 Reflection on Lesson 1

Today was the first class of quarter 4, Teacher start the class by leading all class to do some warm up. I felt relax when doing warm up, however, there were some movement that was difficult to me to completed. Such as, sit on the floor and hold both leg up with hand, to form a “V” shape.

About 20 minute later, teacher stop the warm up and play some different type of music. Teacher wanted us to dance with the music, with any dance movement. A lot of students felt shy and afraid to dance with teacher leading, (including me 😦 )

Teacher was unhappy to see all the students standing at a place and do nothing. teacher told all the students to dance freedom and there was no right or wrong movement for that , we only need to dance, don’t need to care anything. After that, me and my friend were try to dance by listen to the music, but we didn’t think out any movement to dance out. Although I didn’t participate in that, I still have some thought of that, I felt the activity is quite same as street dance, because street dance is also dance with freedom by listen to music.

After the activity, teacher start to tell us, our unit title, key concept, assessment and other. And our assessment for this quarter, was create a 2 minute dance, and the dance can’t match to the music. To do this assessment, teacher wanted all the student to make a group with 4 people in a group, and discuss, and chose two type of dance. I soon make a group with my friend that around me, which were Cindy, Shye Y’ng and Asuka. After discussion, my group decided to choose contemporary dance and Hip Hop.

The video below, was teacher showed to class to help us to have an idea on what type of dance we can dance.

Key word of today and this unit – Juxtoposition

Definition of Justoposition :   Join two or more thing together, purpose is to                                               devoloping compare and contrasts

Juxtaposition example

In the picture, have two different part in the picture. The black and white part show the bomb’s smoke, and the part that is in color show a beautiful scenery with blue sky, green tree, white cloud and other.

This picture show Juxtoposition, because, if we look closer, we will know that the tree and bomb’s smoke are join together. The green thing present the tree top part, and also the bomb’s smoke top part. The smoke present the bomb’s smoke and also the stem of the tree. The picture put tree and bomb’s smoke together and compare them. Therefore, it was Juxtoposition.

Question for today lesson: How can we change boundaries set by society?

This question is quite hard to understand and answer it, therefore, we break the question down to make the question more easy to answer. After breaking we will get a main idea of the question, which is change boundaries. How can we change Boundaries? We can change boundaries by being unique from others, don’t follow other people footsteps. We can also change boundaries by breaking the tradition and change live style. There are a lot of ways to change boundaries, and the ways I mention above is just little.

Now, go back to the original question, How can we change boundaries set by society? I think people can change their boundaries by the pressure that give by society. Example, for a person to get a great job, the person need to study hard and work hard, so the person will become more hard working to achieve his goal. Except that, a person can also change boundaries by the people surrounding  the person. Example, a person doesn’t like exercise, but the person have a group of best friend that like to exercise, so slowly the person will get effect by the friend and like to exercise.

Posted on April 22, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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