5 Photograph of my dance movement

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This photograph actually show two people spin together

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This photograph show one person lie down and the other person is trying to push the person

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This photograph show two people connect together by hand

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This photograph show one person is connect to the other person (lie on the person)

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This photograph show two people are doing lifting movement

The 5 photograph above are connect to the 3 Newton’s Law. The force cause the dancer to spin perfect and stay on air for few second. The third law occur at the first, second and third photograph, the dancers push force to each other in order to make themselves can do the movement stable without fall, because as the dancer push force to other dancer, the dancer will get the same force back from the other dancer. And the push and pull force will be balance and let the dancers do the movement stable.

The video above takes when I am practicing my dance movement. This video let me understand that there is still a lot of improvement that can be done better, because the video let me see and know the people feeling when seeing my dance and also the movement that is not good in my dance movement.

Posted on March 6, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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